
Some helpful tips you can do to improve the energy use in your home.

* Change your filter at least every 3 months to improve airflow and air quality

* Remove leaves and other debris from around the outdoor components to improve airflow through your system

* Install a programmable thermostat. Used properly, it can help you save up to 15% every year in energy costs

* Seal and insulate heating and cooling ducts in unfinished areas (such as the attic, basement or crawl space). You could improve your system's efficiency by as much as 20%

* Get your system inspected by a professional contractor prior to each heating and cooling season. Maintaining your system will keep it operating efficiently

Heating and cooling accounts for as much as half of your home's energy use. With recommendations from ENERGY STAR, you can save as much as 20% annually on your energy bills.

Here are some links to help you reduce energy use and save money.

Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency SAVE $1500!

Property tax exemptions (by county)

Electric & Gas Industries Association (EGIA) GEOSmart® Loans

Common home problems and solutions

Heat & Cool Efficiently

Resources for Appliance Manufacturers and Retailers

Maryland Home Performance with Energy Star


E-mail High Performance Home

